

Addressing the fundamental challenges of accelerating climate change and environmental impact. We are committed on reducing the climate impact of our own operational footprint.


Make impact and contribute to a more sustainable society through minimising negative impact on natural environment. Our main focus is to reduce emissions as far as possible and then compensate for emissions we cannot eliminate.


Scope 3 neutral by 2030

Promote re-use

Energy Efficient

Our activities

Reduce waste and recycle waste

Through concious consumption and promoting sustainable products, reduce and recycle waste in all our offices.

Stimulate the usage of electric vehicles

Promote the use of environment friendly electric vehicles through policies in all offices.

Choose green energy 

For office buildings wherever achievable.

Focus on environmentally friendly travel when possible

Such as bike and public transport; availability of bike parking.

Focus on reuse and circular economy

Re-use of furniture and IT equipment, as well as recycling.

Reduce office supply usage


Climate neutral business flights

Through CO2 compensation program of Uniglobe and CNG fueled vehicles.

Digital meetings whenever possible

By promoting digital offices, and buy environmentally friendly alternatives.

Know more about our plans and progress so far

Recently, we have begun documenting our sustainability progress and committed to create a sustainability progress and goals report every year. The Sustianbaility statement, Vision 2030 and the ESG Declaration will soon be available. Download the most recent reports on sustainability, future plans and progress at Van Ameyde when available.

Sustainability Statement

Our transition plan towards sustainability.

Vision 2030

Plans for the Net zero transition.

ESG declaration

Compliance with GRI standards in line with the ESG declarations.

Related pages


Social responsibility

Sustainable procurement

Corporate governance