Corporate governance
We are firmly committed to positively influencing environmental social and economic development through our governance practices and market presence.
We aim at maintaining the trust of our customers and shareholders and integrating sustainability into our strategy and daily operations.
Zero tollerance of corruption
Collaboration with social sector
Adherence to code of conduct
Our activities
Conducting trainings and workshops on ethical values in the company especially for client facing employees.
Fair business
Our operations do not restrict competition and we refrain from increasing the market position in an abusive manner.
Zero tolerance
Corruption, discrimination and ensuring there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business or supply chains.
Adherence to code of conduct
Our code of conduct to be adherence to by all employees and suppiers.
No discrimination
Equal treatment to all stakeholders and reliable access to information about company’s activities.
Know more about our plans and progress so far
Recently, we have begun documenting our sustainability progress and committed to create a sustainability progress and goals report every year. The Sustianbaility statement, Vision 2030 and the ESG Declaration will soon be available. Download the most recent reports on sustainability, future plans and progress at Van Ameyde when available.
Sustainability Statement
Our transition plan towards sustainability.
Vision 2030
Plans for the Net zero transition.
ESG declaration
Compliance with GRI standards in line with the ESG declarations.